Together, let us build an even


Start a long-term wealth creation plan as early as possible. Have a budget, and save more that you spend. Don’t take on too much debt. Get rich slowly.


Find out how you can #LiveBrighter as a Sun Life Financial Advisor.

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A Sun Life financial advisor for more than 10 years!

My Modest Beginning

It was the year 2010 when I started my Sun Life Journey… truly grateful to be in a noble career where I get to live my purpose daily. Looking back, I realized what seem … 


Luviminda Sacro and Family

Meet my Family

I have been working as a financial advisor for 10 years. I am a wife to my husband, Reynaldo Sacro, as we strive to reach our dreams, my husband and I never forgot what it took for us to reach where we are today…

What my product solution offers

Luviminda Sacro Product Solution

List of my Services


Financial Planning

As a Financial Advisor of one of the most prestigious lifetime financial partner institution (SUN LIFE), proper financial planning is the starting point of owning your vision of what a brighter life is…. (more info)

Mutual Fund Investment

Mutual funds are a great way to maximize your earning potential. And being a financial advisor I’m here to guide you in investing your hard-earned money …  (more info)

Retirement Planning

With the rising cost of elderly care, gone are the days when pension can cover our retirement needs. As you can see, life doesn’t stop during retirement, so better plan now…(more info)

Financial Coaching

Let me provide you the competitive advantage you have been missing that will accelerate your financial growth… (more info)

Estate Planning

Passing your wealth to the next generation is not as easy as you think, that’s why estate planning is necessary to ensure that your loved ones benefit… (more info)

Client Concerns

Here are articles that gives solutions to some of my client concern….

EASY WAY TO PAY FOR YOUR SUN LIFE PREMIUM / POLICIES Most new and existing Sun Life Policy Holders I've encountered always ask this question “How Do I Pay my Sun Life Insurance?Good thing Sun Life
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Mutual Funds

Some articles that tackles about what mutual fund is and how you can benefit from it…

Grow your money with mutual funds, so "WHAT IS A MUTUAL FUND?" A Mutual Fund is an investment company that pools together money from different investors, then invests these in various assets depending on the goal
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Sun Life Partnerships to its clients

Latest video of Sun Life showing Sun Life’s partnership and commitment to its clients. At Sun Life Financial, we are your partner through every step of tomorrow, towards your goals and your dreams – big or small. We will help you #LiveBrighter with a healthy and prosperous future, no matter what happens. This is what a #SunLifePartner does.

Let's explore my team member's Testimonies...

Rizza Fernando Testimonial
Rizza Fernando - Apanay Unit Manager - Sun Life Financial Advisor

One day, I met a persistent woman that changes my perception about everything. Her name is Eden. I am forever grateful to have known her since then as she is one person who influence me to do more, learn more, to become more and share the blessings to many. Being part of her Mt Mana team is an extension of both - a family and a rewarding career as a financial advisor. A profession that is noble with limitless oportunities. A meaningful legacy that I would loved to do for life together with my vibrant, unstoppable go-getter leader Eden Sacro

Sheila Altasin Unit Manager - Sun Life Financial Advisor

Four years ago when I prayed to God for a new career, and it Leads me to SunLife . God is so faithful to his promises as a "Bonus" he also gave me one of the Best Mentor in the Industry. She is Ms Eden Sacro. Mam Eden is very generous , positive, energetic, passionate and loving leader. She help me a lot to unleash my full potential and be the best version of myself. She is not just a leader to me , but became my good friend who treated me as her young sibling as she always share her selfless love ,offers her precious time and words of wisdom. Thank you SM Eden . I will be forever grateful to be part of your team

Catherine Estil Unit Manager - Sun Life Financial Advisor

I was raised with an employee's mindset spending my 8-15 hours around the four corners of the office. As an accountant, I make sure that at the end of the day all the recorded transactions are balanced, "Debit = Credit" my daily language. But the big question is, Is this the life I wanted for myself? Until I found the Brighter Life under the sun through my ever supportive SM Eden. Because of her guidance and encouragement, I resigned from my corporate job and go full-time with SunLife. One of the best decisions I made in my life. I was able to spend more time with my family while achieving my dreams. Thank you SM Eden. Thank you for all your Love, Generosity, and Support. Because of your mentorship, I was able to serve and established a strong financial foundation to my most important client, "My Self".


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